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1 Đài KTTV Nghệ Tĩnh
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Trích dẫn bài báo
Trần Duy Sơn. Sử dụng số liệu RADA khí tượng để ước lượng cường độ bão. Tạp chí Khí tượng Thủy văn 1989, 338, 22-26.
Tài liệu tham khảo
1. Philip J.Meighem Radar indicators of tropical cyclone intensity. Report of the seminar on the application of radar data to tropical cyclone forecasting. WMO/TD 26. Section 1.
2. S. Raghaven Radar indicators of tropical cyclone intensity. Report of the seminar on the application of radar data to tropical cyclone forecasting- WMO/TO 26. Section IL.
3. Bell G.J. In «Typhoon modification » Proc. WHO. Tech. Conf. WMO No 408 p.p. 19 - 29.
4. Thou. Ducheng. Radar indicators of tropical' cyclone intensity- Report of the seminar 0.1 the application of Radar data to tropical cyclone forecasting. WMO/T.D26. Section" ill.
5. Kessler. E. and D. Atlas « Radar synoptic analysis » of hurricane Edna, 1954" Gcophys. Res. Pap No 50, Geophys. Res. Dir. AFCRC.
6. Fuzifa, T.T. T. Irawa. I<, Watanabe,.and I Imai" A model 01 typhoons accompanied by inner and outer rainbands' J. Appl. Met. 6,3-1:’.
7. Black. P.G. Use. of airbone radar to evaluate hurricane modification experiments. Psoc. 15lh conf, on ĩlỉìdỉcir Aid.’’ 85 - 92.