Tác giả

Đơn vị công tác

1 Cục Dự báo KTTV

Tóm tắt

Từ khóa

Trích dẫn bài báo

Phạm Đức Thi. Những tìm tòi và thành quả trong dự báo thời tiết hạn dài thời gian gần đây. Tạp chí Khí tượng Thủy văn 1989, 344, 18-22.

Tài liệu tham khảo

1. Ambrozv P. Parago T. Rencent severe Winters in Hungary: meteoro­logical approach and some energy Supply/ demand aspects.

Indentifying and coping with extreme meteorological events. Budpest. 1988

2. Kanawa K., Wa’anabe T., Iwasaka- N., Suga T, Toba Y. Surface Ther­mal conditions in the Western North Pacific during the ENSO Events.

Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science, Tohofeu University, Sen­dai 980, Japan, June, 1988.

3. Thapliyal V. Long-range weather forecasting.

Lecture notes for the WMO regional workshop on Asian summer mon­soon (New Delhi, 4 - November 1985).

4. Thapliyal V.. Prediction of Indian droughts with lower Stratospheric Winds. Mausam,-1984, 35,3.

5. Tropical ocean — atmosphere newsletter, number 44, March-1988.

6. WMO, No 32. Report of the second meeting of the sterring commit­tee for long-term ASIAN MONSSOON Studies (IMP project M2).

Kuala Lumpur 17 —20 December, 1984.